Caring For Aotearoa New Zealand
Have you heard of the ‘Tiaki Promise’?
If you are living in New Zealand, travelling or moving to New Zealand, then it is your responsibility to take this onboard and look after this beautiful country. To find out more about the Tiaki Promise, go to their website and watch the video.
What Does Tiaki mean?
“Tiaki means to care for people and place. New Zealanders have a special connection to the land, and want to help visitors travel safely and conscientiously. The Tiaki Promise has a set of guiding principles for visitors to follow, showing them how to contribute to preserving and protecting our land.”
Who created the Tiaki Promise?
“Seven private and public sector organisations came together to create the Tiaki Promise: Tourism New Zealand, Air New Zealand, the Department of Conservation, Tourism Industry Aotearoa, Local Government New Zealand, New Zealand Maori Tourism and Tourism Holdings Ltd.”
“New Zealand is precious and everyone who lives and travels here has a responsibility to look after it. The Tiaki Promise is a commitment to care for New Zealand, for now and future generations. By following the Tiaki Promise, you are making a commitment to New Zealand. To act as a guardian, protecting and preserving our home.”
Living in Wanaka, we are very proud of our town and country. We respect the land and appreciate its beauty. We never take it for granted, we feel lucky and privileged to live here. We are surrounded by the most amazing landscape and we love that people from all over the world are visiting to experience this stunning place, but we do need to preserve it and ensure it stays amazing in the future.
Release Wanaka encourages environmental respect. We are always looking for ideas to help our land and planet. We offer our guests Ecostore products throughout our rental homes and provide fabric shopping bags for our guests to use. All our homes have recycling bins and we are moving closer to becoming paper-free by providing information via online apps.
You can show your support by creating your own Tiaki Promise photo to spread the word! For more information about the Tiaki Promise and how you can help, contact us here.